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11-2 : Prepositions of time and place relative.

Foto del escritor: epantojaepantoja

First watch the video and analyze the information, write in your notebook the main information of this topic. Don 't forget write the tittle.

Homework: after that in your notebook develop PJ7 I draw a map about my environment where i locate my house. Then I describe this map using prepositions of place ( in your notebook)

This homework is for Thrusday, March 19th, 2020.... Time limited 11:00pm

Nota: se realiza todo en el cuaderno me mandan foto o scaner de la tarea, a mi correo se recibe solo hasta el dia jueves 19 de marzo de 2020 fecha limite 11:00pm despues de hay no se reciben mas, especificar en el asunto su nombre completo, grado y nombre de la tarea ( PJ7)

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